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Aspects of Conflict

             In the traditional organizational structure, conflict was seen as a destructive force .
             which negatively affects a team. But as traditional models started giving way to new ways of thinking, leaders realized that conflict has a great role in team dynamics. Conflict can be a negative when ignored, however, if it is managed properly conflict can have many positive aspects. Conflict is constructive when people involved have a positive learning experience from the event. Constructive conflict contributes to creativity and innovation. On the other hand, destructive conflict often manifests itself as personal, vindictive, and it can be source of immense pain. .
             If conflict is not managed, it can have many negative aspects. For one, conflict can be negative because it can divide people from one another and polarize the group leaving team seperation. The people may become less motivated and inactive as they are confused by differences of opinions. It can also reinforce poor self esteem and can reinforce stereotypes about individuals or cultural groups. Conflict can slow down achievement of goals by diverting the energy away from important tasks and issues and preventing honest communication between group members. It can increase inter-group tension and divert attention from objectives. When people are arguing, conflict may also cause people to do things they might regret later as may causes negative emotions and possibly violent behavior because of stress and frusturation. To avoid arguing, conflict creates the desire to abandon the problem in the situation for a safer subject. .
             Most people think of conflict only as a negative. If we see conflict only as something negative and disruptive, then we tend to shut down potentially creative discussions and, as a result, can prevent our group from growing and evolving into one which values and utilize the contributions of each member.

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