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There is no way I can write a 1000 word essay so I'm going to fail an assignment.


1. If you're frustrated with your writing assignment, you're not alone. Many students (millions, in fact), hate the essay writing process, but once you know how to research a topic and understand MLA or APA structures, you'll find it much easier to write an effective essay.

Here are a few things to consider:

1. Understand your topic before you begin to write. To do this, you'll need to do some preliminary research and collect notes, links, quotes, and other sources. It's impossible to write about a subject you're not familiar with. This is where many students go wrong–they sit down to write an essay with little or no information at hand. Unfortunately, concrete knowledge on an essay topic won't fall from the sky. The information on this site will be helpful to you: https://www.oxford-royale.co.uk/articles/essay-research-skills.html.

2. Brainstorm. Sit down with a pen and paper (or your computer) and write down every idea for your essay you can think of—this will help you find a narrow focus for your piece. Think about your topic, take notes and use your basic research to hone in on the direction you'll take your essay. See https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/2/53/

3. Know your format. Does your teacher/professor require MLA or APA? Knowing this is very important. Excellent site: http://academictips.org/mla-format/

4. Be familiar with essay structure: a solid introduction, informative body paragraphs, and an obvious conclusion.

A 1000 word essay isn't a long piece, so try not to be overwhelmed with the process. Know your topic, brainstorm, understand format and structure—then write an effective essay!

Go to www.exampleessays.com for examples of essays with a 1000 word count.

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