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Parents at Sporting Events


             In being involved in city sports for quite awhile, I have begun to notice parents behavior more and more. Being supportive is not what parents do anymore. In fact parents are far from being supportive. I have seen a dad get confrontational with an umpire at a baseball game I was in one time. He was swearing and kicking the grass because his son was called out on strike three. Besides making a fool out of himself and getting fined for public disturbance, the man also showed extreme immaturity. .
             The whole point of city organized sporting events is to teach kids sportsmanship. Not to argue something if you don't like it. I think it is sad that some parents are forced to live the career they never had through their child. Most kids are forced to play an insane amount of games because that is what their parents want. I am sorry but these people need to get a life. They have unhealthy obsessions with trying to make their kid a professional. .
             Reducing a child to nothing because they miss a shot or ground ball is mental. It has been showed that supporting a child rather than cutting them down will produce much better results. Also, if a person is unhappy with whatever sport they are playing they should have the right to quit, not be left out there for daddy. .
             It is great that parents want to be involved but you can only go so far. Parents will regret later on when there kids develop a hate for what they put them through. Booking every weekend with soccer or basketball or baseball is not right. A kid should get some free time, and be allowed to do what they want to do.

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