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Who Was to Blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?


            Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?.
             The controversial end scene of William Shakespeare's.
             Romeo and Juliet" leaves many unanswered questions in the.
             mind of the reader. One of which is "Who was to blame for the.
             deaths of Romeo and Juliet?". .
             I believe that the most influential factor contributing to.
             the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet is fate. There are.
             references to fate throughout the play. The first one is in the.
             prologue where it says, "star crossed lovers" which shows that.
             it is inevitable that Romeo and Juliet fall in love. From the very.
             first act the characters already appear to realise their destiny .
             Romeo said "hanging in the stars" which implies a premonition of.
             his and Juliet's destiny was planned from the very beginning of.
             their existence. .
             I feel that the tragedy was not the fault of one.
             individual, however many contributed to it in a way. If Romeo.
             and Juliet had not fallen in love than the events that occurred.
             after they met would have never happened, but no one can.
             control whether or not you fall in love and who with, which.
             suggests fate was the over-riding influence in the play.
             Romeo and Juliet's parents are also partly to blame due to.
             the fact that they did not behave like responsible adults and.
             continued the feud. If they had settled it amicably then Romeo.
             and Juliet would have had no need to fear the detrimental.
             affect their relationship might have on their family lives. Also,.
             if Juliet did not fear the rejection of her mother then she may.
             have been able to confide. Due to the uncivilised example the.
             parents set, Mercutio and Tybalt kept the violent and.
             disruptive side to the feud going.
             However, Friar Lawrence should not have secretly.
             married Romeo and Juliet as he knew that if the families.
             discovered the secret they would lose all trust in him and the.
             feud would become worse. Friar Lawrence even states that one.
             "mustn't act in haste", Also, he gave Juliet the poison and used.

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