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Wife of Bath


             She is considered one of the most flamboyant and colorful characters from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. "She- is the Wife of Bath. Not only is the Wife of Bath flamboyant and colorful, she can also be considered a feminist, but she also falls into the some of the stereotypes of the women of her time. The Wife of Bath also may have had five husbands in all, but that doesn't bring her sense of feminism down. Even the Wife of Bath's tale gives the reader a sense of her feminism.
             Feministic views during the time of the Wife of Bath were very few because men dominated mostly all aspects in society and left no room for women to even give their opinion. But the Wife of Bath gives a gleam of feminism with sense of flamboyance and color when she speaks on her "authority-. The Wife of Bath's holds her authority on the subject of marriages through her:.
             "Experience, though noon auctoritee.
             Were in this world, is right ynough for [her].
             To speke of wo that is in mariage: -(The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, 1-3).
             Her experience was the authority she held against others with opposing views under the aspect of precedent, since she has been married five times and was able to be the "master- in each of her five marriage.
             The Wife of Bath's flamboyance and colorfulness not only shows up in the way that she .
             talks, but also in the way that she dresses. As for the Wife of Bath's clothing, her clothing was .
             described as "Of clothing-making she hadde swich an haunt [and] She passed hem of Yprese and of Gaunt- (The General Prologue, 449-450), which is basically being able to have and make better clothes than the cloth-making centers. Some of her attire consisted of headcovers of the finest material, red stockings, and new shoes. The Wife of Bath dresses in vibrant colors and clothing that are different to bring attention to herself.
             The Wife of Bath seems very certain person of herself and having the lead in her marriages.

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