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Repent Harlequin said the Ticktockman


            "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman.
             "Repent, Harlequin!" "Said the Ticktockman" has many different meanings in it. Some of them come to you easier than others; I"m going to explain what I think the story means using three different key points in the story. The first thing I"m going to look at is the Harlequin. He plays a big part in the story and helps to explain what some of the other characters are like. My second topic is going to be on the clocks, and how they govern everybody's lives. My third topic will be on the jelly beans and how they play a big part in the story. .
             The Harlequin is like any normal person living in the futuristic city in this story. He doesn't want his life to be run by the Ticktockman and his clocks. He causes chaos in the city, making the Ticktockman's schedule be off. This makes the Ticktockman angry, and he tries to catch the Harlequin throwing his schedule off, making him late like everybody else. .
             If you break the name of the story down in to two parts you"ll see some significance in the name. "Repent", which means to change someone's mind, or to feel remorse or regret for something. The Ticktockman in this story is trying to change the mind of Everett C. Marm, and make him feel regret for the things he's done to throw his precious schedule off. When they are going to turn off the Harlequin he says he"d rather die than live by the Ticktockman's system. The Ticktockman decides rather than "shutting him off" he's going to send him to Conventry (which is like a correctional facility). When Everett C. Marm returns from Conventry and is on the citywide television everybody sees that the once Harlequin is now like everybody else in the city, abiding by all the rules of time. .
             Also the name "Harlequin" has some significance in the story, Harlequin comes from an Old Italian word. It was a person dressed in tights, shaved head, a mask on his face, and he carried a wooden sword or wand.

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