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Family Ocassions


            There are some topics in life that really get worn out. People find them such fascinating points of conversation, that after a while everything that can possibly be said about them has been said, and people go on and on repeating points endlessly, in the vain hope that something new will come of it. It's a bit like this discussion over the telephone directory inquiries. Will it really make a great difference to the life of the citizens if Great Britain if they call 192, or 118, or whatever the numbers may be to find out the nearest pet supplies stores" phone number? I"m sure that most people (except possibly the owners of major telephone companies) were very happy, when there was only one number you could dial. It can be very complicated remembering the precise number you want to call for this reason, the different number you want to call for that reason, and the third number you want to call because you like British Telecom.
             It's not necessarily the variety of numbers that make the problem. It's the fact, that there has been so much talk about them since they came into use. You may have seen the frightfully interesting statistics on the news about how many phone calls each individual number has been receiving, and just what a vast sum of money has been lost by such and such a telephone company. At the end of the day, there was so much time, money and effort put into changing those numbers, which the statistics-people really shouldn't be so bothered about what's gone wrong, and be more concerned about putting it right. End of story as far as I"m concerned.
             My sisters wedding is a bit like that. Not that I have any desire to post my phone number all over the newspapers, but whatever the phone number is does come in very useful for finding the addresses of people we want to invite. However, despite all the related entertaining issues, it really is over talked about.

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