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Memories of a Childhood


             It was a warm summer morning when I looked over at the alarm clock, it said 10:38a. I laid there contemplating starting my day and listening to the sounds of children playing outside. That sound took me back about 15 years, when I too was a carefree 10 year old. Back then I would have already been out of bed, finished watching my morning cartoons, My favorite of course was the Smurfs, and outside with my Uncle Steven, who is only 4 months younger than me and my Brother Jamey, who was the oldest by 3 years. We would be patiently waiting for the neighborhood kids to come over. .
             We had the largest yard in the neighborhood, so there was always something going on at our house. We had a badmitten/volleyball set up in the back part of the yard right beside of the swing set. It was only played when there wasn't anyone else around. Jamey and I was pretty good at it, we could keep the birdie going for along time. Steven on the other hand wasn't quite coordinated enough yet, but we always had fun. By the time the other kids showed up we had moved on to playing Crochet. Our favorite part of that game was after you made your way thru all the wires and became poisonous and got to chase after everyone else. Our favorite and most common game was tennis-baseball; of course we had to have at least six people to play. Sometimes we would play just normal baseball, but using a tennis ball made it more fun. Plus it didn't hurt as bad if you accidental (or on purpose) got hit by the ball. It was an automatic homerun if you could hit the ball into the swimming pool in the back yard. There were plenty of times that my Grandma had to change the liner because the tennis ball or a football would rip it open. Sometimes she would even have to buy new glass panes for the windows in the house, she claimed that she didn't mind as long "us kids" were having fun and staying out of trouble.
             There were days when it was just to hot for us to play those energy taking games.

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