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Eco Tourism


             Eco-tourism Definition and Concepts 6.
             The emergence of the Eco-tourism industry in British Columbia allows the province to show off its amazing scenery to the world and replaces several industries that were no longer economically or environmentally viable.
             Aside from the major centers the majority of the province remains relatively untouched by mankind which has provided ample opportunity for the explosion of the eco-tourism industry. .
             There are a wide variety of activities and destinations to attract the eco-tourist to BC. Eco-tourism related activities can be done on a shoestring budget which only increases its appeal to a wider demographic.
             The industry has seen amazing growth over the last few years and all levels of government need to recognize this fact. Action should be taken to promote Eco-tourism as a viable career choice for its residents and as a travel destination in both the domestic and global markets. .
             In recent years there has been a major shift in people's travel preferences towards exploring the land, the culture and wildlife. British Columbia provides the perfect environment for Eco-Tourism. The majority of the province remains relatively untouched by mankind, which is one of the key attractions to true eco tourists. The scenery is breathtaking, and the opportunity to experience nature first hand has never seemed more appealing.
             In this report we will look at the reasons behind the eco-tourism explosion and discuss some of BC's hottest eco-tourism destinations.
             The Emergence of Eco Tourism.
             Eco tourism's beginnings can be traced back to the late 1980's and early 1990's during the height of the Carmanah Valley disputes when environmental groups would take city dwellers on tours of BC's amazing old growth forests in an effort to increase awareness of their cause. Since then the industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Eco-tourism in BC already employs some 13,000 people around the province, generating an estimated $165 million in direct revenues.

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