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             The Auschwitz (Auschwitz-Birkenau) death camp was the site of the most killings of European Jews during the Holocaust. In 1941, 850 ill and malnourished Jews were killed in an experimental gassing there, and after its success, the Nazis started using this method as a daily routine. An estimated three million people were killed at Auschwitz through gassing, starvation, shooting, burning, and other methods. 9 out of 10 prisoners were Jews, but there were also large numbers of Soviet and other nations" POW's, gypsies, homosexuals, and others sent there. According to sources, Adolf Hitler personally ordered the mass executions at Auschwitz while visiting there once in 1940.
             Children were brought to the camp as well, but usually they didn't stay long. They were often killed as soon as they arrived, and children born inside the camp were killed on the spot. Some children ended up being the "patients" of Nazi doctors and subjects in their horrible experiments. One doctor, Josef Mengele, put children into pressure chambers, tested them with drugs, castrated, froze to death, and exposed them to various other traumas. Mengele injected lethal germs into some children, and performed sex change operations and incestuous impregnations on others. He especially liked twins, and used thousands of them in experiments including sewing them together to create Siamese twins. One twin that survived Auschwitz remembers the death of his brother there: "Dr. Mengele had always been more interested in Tibi. I am not sure why - perhaps because he was the older twin. Mengele made several operations on Tibi. One surgery on his spine left my brother paralyzed. He could not walk anymore. Then they took out his sexual organs. After the fourth operation, I did not see Tibi anymore. I cannot tell you how I felt. It is impossible to put into words how I felt. They had taken away my father, my mother, my two older brothers - and now, my twin .

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