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Overview of Citizen Kane


            Kane was depicted as a rich, cold-hearted man, relying heavily on materialistic things as a means to cope with his inability to form relationships with other humans. Being a man raised in a life of luxury, he takes ownership of a newspaper company further enhancing his wealth. Kane is a callous man who deprives others as a means to further his fortune even if it means using poor journalism techniques. He lacks any ability to care for anything other than his material goods which leads him to a life of no fortune and complete sadness.
             Kane was deprived of a childhood when he was eight years old and sent away to a boarding school. He wasn't allowed the security and love a normal child would have at that age. Love and care was not very apparent in the beginning of the movie; his mother is a cold unloving individual and does not seem to care for Kane at all. If Kane was brought up with the experience of a nice and loving childhood, then there could have been a chance he would never have been so spiteful and cruel himself. .
             When Kane became an adult, he was able to obtain every material thing he could ever as for. Kane had nearly fooled himself that the materialistic possessions made him happy, but secretly he wanted a normal life. His house is cluttered with senseless materials that mean nothing to him. Kane's lifestyle was filled with such exuberant and expensive things, he used it as a way to hide his extreme loneliness. Kane also had a wife and some friends, but they were all seen as more of acquaintances, including his wife. Kane was never really quite sure who his real friends were. He suspected most of his 'friends' stuck around due to his sheer wealth. All in all his attraction to money, led to his demise; it wore him out after a few years leaving him lonely and cold. Kane had nothing, no one to talk to, he was all alone with everything that money could buy, but didn't possess a single true friend.

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