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Recognizing the Importance of African Americans


            "Why do we still celebrate black history month?" This might seem like a silly question to someone and definitely was to the author of "Still Hyphenated Americans," Julianne Malveaux. America definitely seems like a land of opportunity to many of us, but not long ago, African Americans were looked down upon and treated as less-than white citizens.
             What began as Negro History week in 1926, has evolved into an American tradition known as Black History Month. Author Julianne Malyeaux shares her thoughts on the national recognition of African Americans. The month is set aside, designated as a way to show respect and affirm our recognition of the struggle that blacks went through - and in some ways, are still going through. .
             There are many reasons people should celebrate black history month, according to the author it helps blacks be better represented in the media, it is an important way to recognize black contributions to society, and it helps to get rid of the color line. .
             Malveaux thinks that black life and history are not represented enough in newspapers, TV and history books. This is one reason why we should definitely celebrate black history month. It helps put the stories of black people into the culture more. In my opinion, I wonder why not celebrate Black History Month? .
             It has become a tradition and it is a good time to explore a famous black historical figure. To me, it is the same as studying the presidents on president's day. It is just want a person does because it is part of American history. It is true though that during black history month people will see more documentaries on TV about important black people, and more fiction movies about black people also. .
             Another reason we should celebrate black history month according to Malveaux is that it is an important way to recognize black contributions to society. The essay discusses how blacks have fought in wars and died for this country, and have made contributions to science.

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