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Alternate Ending - The Chocolate War


            The Chocolate War - An Alternate Ending.
             Jerry was supposed to start his chocolate sales today, according to the vigils assignment. He sat while Brother Leon took the chocolate roll call, waiting, wondering "do I dare disturb the universe?" Thinking he realized that he hasn't seen any of the vigils all day. He still didn't see them, even now. Where would they be right now? "Jerry," called Brother Leon." He hesitated for a moment before slowly replying, "No."" He didn't know what he had said until after he said it. He dared to disturb the universe. The day went on as usual, except for the vigils, who were mysteriously missing. At football practice, there were quite a few absences, all from the vigils. The practice seemed to go twice as good a usual without the vigils there. When he got home, he turned on the TV. And the news was on. The news reporter was reporting on several children who mysteriously disappeared the night before. .
             "Eyewitnesses say they saw they children and in the middle of a blink, the children disappeared. These children all go to Trinity High School and do seem to have several other connections with one another. They were the top sellers of the recent chocolate selling fundraiser at Trinity. These are the names of the boys. "The screen changed to show a list of names. The list of names were all vigils. "If you have any information please call silent witness." The vigils were gone. That's what the news reporter had said. The school was free of those bullies. They would never bother anyone. He couldn't wait to find out if Goober heard. The news reporter went on to tell about several other stories. Jerry only really listened to the weather after hearing about the vigils. Dinner that night was basic spaghetti. He then got ready and went to sleep. The next morning he woke up and got ready for school. Breakfast felt extra tasty, today. When he got to school, he went straight to where he knew he could find Goober.

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