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Crushing Obesity and Building a Healthy Generation


            Children rely on their guardians or parents for guidance throughout life. Even if a negative example is set, unfortunately they will still follow. Levi Stone states that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Two of the largest contributors of this pandemic are poor diet and a severe lack of physical activity, both of which are far too prevalent in our society" (Childhood Obesity Is All About Choices). Parents have a dramatic impact on their child's eating habits and daily activities, and positive examples should be set. Instead of being a couch potato, children need to get up and go toss or kick a ball out in the front yard with their kids. There may be times that they are too busy, but encouragement can go a long way. Parents need to stress to their kids that they should go outside and play or even just limit the time spent inside. If parents eat healthy and limit fast food intake, chances are their kids will do the same. All of it takes time and some may not have it, but, we need to try and make the time, so that we all can win the small war of obesity. It can start out with a short walk after dinner or even taking the kids to a park to play. .
             Today's culture in America is all about trying to do as many things as possible on the go. We are so busy that home cooked meals have been replaced with drive thru foods and microwavable products, all full things that are not so healthy for us. Society has put a stamp on fast foods and has even made some of them seem healthy. There are frozen foods that have been advertised as being healthy and even some food chains have things that seem healthy. But if you do not prepare it yourself, you really do not know what is in it. The same goes for our children who eat at their schools. The kitchens now do not make the food from scratch like in the old days. It is all frozen or from a can and ready to eat, whether heated or not.

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