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The Amazing Characteristics of God


            In Christian theology, the numerous esteemed characteristics of God are made apparent through the Holy Scriptures. Through the reading of the scriptures we are able to discern the true nature of God helping us to strengthen our relationship with Him. Although there are many characteristics of God, His divine omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience are considered of utmost significance. God's constant presence and His overarching awareness of humanity speaks to His true caring, loving, and ultimately, rightfully so, revered character. .
             The omnipotence of God shows His unrestricted reign over all things. Going beyond just the human domain that we feign control over, the scriptures say that God is all ruling and governs all imaginable creation. Whether it is the moon shining in the sky, or a stellar collision in which two monstrous stars collide into one another to create a larger entity, God is in control of it. In Isaiah Chapter 46, God says "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ˜My purpose will stand, and all I will do all that I please.' What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned that I will do (10-12). In these two verses from the book of Isaiah, our author tells us that what God plans to fulfill all that he has said. In the opening books of the bible, Genesis 14:2 simply asks the question, "Is anything too hard for the Lord? " The bluntness of this statement points to the unquestionable power that God really does have.
             Would describing God as omniscient mean he is aware of every decision we are going to make through the day, and our life? Would that not take a swing at humanity's free will that has been gifted to us? God's omniscience has been of debate between philosophers and theologians alike since Christianity sprung about. In the bible it is said that God is able to perceive all things making it impossible to hide anything from this all seeing and knowing divinity, but to say that God is in deterministic control of every aspect of our lives would be false.

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