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Society and Anorexia


            Today's society's image of "the perfect female body " could be a leading cause of some eating disorders such as Anorexia, a disorder affecting 1.2 million people in this country between the ages of 12 to 25 according to the Mayo Clinic, by promoting the use of super-skinny models to use as magazine cover girls and by "air-brushing " or "retouching " images of young women in fashion magazines and blogs such as Tumblr, Teen Vogue, or Seventeen ("Beyond Thin ").
             Girls are often pressured to be thinner or look prettier, especially girls in high school. They all want to be that girl who gets all the attention from everyone else. Those magazines have such a large influence on people's body image, especially young girls ages 13-16, by putting large amounts of pressure on them to develop unhealthy behaviors, just so they can get the "ideal body shape " (Dutta). Lizzie Pollard, a 19 year old medical student at King's College in Southampton, London, admitted to being bullied into losing weight, and it horribly decreased her health (Beyond Thin). "Anorexia is lonely. It took over my own life and takes everything away from you, " she says. Girls can get bullied at school by other girls because they aren't pretty enough, or they're different from everyone else, causing them to stop eating and losing excessive amounts of weight. .
             Also, fashion magazines promote the thinner figures of models. A study performed by Mackenzie Carpenter from The Post-Gazette, shows that 53% of young girls are unhappy with their body ("Beyond Thin "). Another study shows that almost two-thirds of 14-15 year olds want to lose weight (Dutta). Fashion magazines "retouch " or "airbrush " their models to look better. Because of this, girls read those magazines and see the image of what they think they are supposed to look like, which leads to low-self esteem issues.
             Another leading cause could be that girls are inspired by celebrities to shrink their figures.

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