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The Use of the Steadicam in The Shining


            In the movie, The Shining, director Stanley Kubrick's use of the steadicam is revolutionary. It is one of the first films to use the steadicam, and the inventor, Garrett Brown, operated the device in the movie. The steadicam allowed Kubrick to do many different and creative shots. One of the best shots with the steadicam is Danny riding his tricycle throughout the hotel. These shots allow us to see what the geography of the hotel is like and show us the setting of the movie. This shot was done by having Brown sit in a wheel chair with the steadicam and follow Danny throughout the hotel. Brown first tried to hold the camera and run behind Danny but this method caused him to get tired quickly and was ineffective. .
             Kubrick used many different creative angles throughout the film. One technique he often uses is showing the reaction of an actor and then showing what they are looking at. This shot sequence creates a lot of suspense because you know what you're about to see next is horrifying because of the actor's reaction. Another unique technique is the shot of Jack trying to persuade his wife to let him out of the pantry. The camera is placed right below jack and adds a sense of eeriness to the scene. Kubrick uses shot symmetry frequently during the film. Whether it be a steadicam shot going through a hallway of the hotel or jack sitting down typing on his typewriter he will have symmetry. .
             Sound plays a big factor in Kubrick's The Shining. One great use of sound is Danny riding his tricycle throughout the hotel. The sound of the wheels going onto the floor and then on to a rug creates a very bizarre and eerie effect. The sound effect of long chords is frequently used to create suspense. When something suspenseful occurs a long, low or high chord often accompanies it. Whenever a chord like this is played it creates suspense in the audience because they know something frightening is about to happen.

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