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Animal Farm - Critical Lens Essay


            Yann Martel wrote, "You must take life the way it is and make the best of it" in his book "Life of Pi" in 2001. This statement simply means that when something happens in life, whether it is good or bad, just soak it up and make it work for you. This statement is true. The novel, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell supports this statement. The novel shows how the animals make their life as good as they can even when it gets bad.
             In Animal Farm, the animals know they are being treated poorly by their owner, Mr. Jones, so they revolt and their lives get worse. They pictured that after they revolted they would have a utopia but instead when Napoleon the pig becomes ruler the animals are treated even worse. Now the animals cannot revolt against Napoleon so they just make the best they can of it. Orwell symbolizes Animal Farm as Russia during and after the Russian Revolution. Almost everything in Animal Farm represents something from the Russian Revolution. There is a cruel leader that is revolted against and an even worse leader that comes to power afterwards. On the farm Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, Squealer is propaganda, the dogs are the secret police, Boxer is the dedicated but tricked communist supporters and Benjamin is the skeptical people in and outside of Russia. Napoleon the pig is a very cruel leader, just like Stalin was and Napoleon always uses Squealer to persuade the animals to believe what he says. Boxer is a horse who always works his hardest and Benjamin is his best friend. When Boxer gets hurt Napoleon has him killed and all along Benjamin knew the truth about Napoleon and does not speak up until it is too late and his best friend is gone. But now Benjamin can try to make people see the truth and make it better. .
             Power often corrupts those who possess it. In Animal Farm Napoleon the pig abuses his power and does whatever he wants. If anyone tries to stop him they are killed.

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