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Evil Deeds in Macbeth


            If someone commits an evil deed, he or she can't stop the so behaviour, because they want to protect themselves. William Shakespeare's play, Macbeth does more and more evil deeds to protect himself. Because of his ambition and desires make him can't stop committing. He is afraid of his evil deeds being exposed and becoming an evil king in people's mind. In addition, he is worried about suffering from the same tragic fate as Duncan; he does not want to lose the title and power he has right now. Macbeth must do more and more evil deeds to hide, protect himself and maintain his current status. .
             Macbeth kills Duncan because of his ambition and desires. He is confidence that he can become the king instead of Duncan, but only if he kills Duncan. The idea of becoming king originates of his heart but is awakened by the words of three witches. Macbeth knows the prince of Cumberland is "a step", so that he can't become the king. He says, "[ l ]et not light see my black and deep desires"(1, 4, 57-59). His heart is contradictory, he really does not want to be the murderer. He almost give up murdering Duncan, he thinks that if "chance crown me [without my stair" (1, 3, 156-158). However, his ambition and desires are too strong, they are awakened by Lady Macbeth again. Lady Macbeth shames his into murdering Duncan, "[i]lke the poor cat in the adage" (1, 7, 48). Macbeth has the strong ambition and desires, he does not want to become the poor person. So, because of his ambition and desires, he chooses to kill Duncan ruthless. The ambition and desires of people often results in a person committing increasingly extreme deeds.
             Macbeth is guilty, nervous after he kills Duncan and realizes his dangerous situation. He is afraid of his evil deeds being exposed by Banquo, because Banquo is the only one who knows about the prediction except Lady Macbeth. Banquo knows, "[i] fear [t]hou play'dst most foully for it" (3, 1, 2-3).

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