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To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus Finche's Moral Level


             Small southern town situated in Maycomb County in the 1930's.
             Atticus Finch is a respected man in this community, being a lawyer .
             and single father.This might change when he is assigned to defend .
             a black man accused of raping a white girl. Being a black man in .
             the South during the 1930's was full of hardships because most .
             people were prejudiced. Most white lawyers, when assigned to .
             defend a black man, would just go through the motions, knowing that .
             an all-white jury would convict a black man. Atticus looks through .
             the evidence and decided that he would defend Tom Robinson, the .
             black man, to the best of his ability. This act alone puts Atticus into .
             stage six of Lawrence Kohlberg's spectrum of moral development.
             Being a black man in 1933 was not easy, especially if .
             you had just been accused of raping a white girl. Since most black .
             folks couldn't afford a lawyer, one would be appointed to them. Their .
             lawyers had no real obligation to try their hardest so they would just sit .
             back, relax, and wait for the trial to end. Atticus was different from .
             them. Even the morning after Mr. Cunningham and a gang of men try .
             to storm the jail and lynch Tom, Atticus only says that "Mr. .
             Cunningham's basically a good man [.] he just has his blind spots .
             along with the rest of us"(157). Atticus knows that Mr. Cunningham is .
             probably not educated enough to know that even though their skin .
             color is different, they are both members of the human race. Mr. .
             Cunningham, as well as the rest of the men, are probably good .
             people but they just have places where they are not as informed as .
             they could be. For this reason, Atticus was in stage six while the other .
             men were probably in stage three or four. .
             Of all the wisdom Atticus gives Jem and Scout, there is not .
             one piece more valuable then when he tells Scout to use patience and .
             thoughtfulness before judging people. He tells her that you never .
             really understand someone until you have "[Climbed] into his skin and .

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