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Eveline by James Joyce


             Deciding what to eat, what to wear, or what to watch on TV are examples of difficult decisions made every day. Facing tough decisions like Eveline did in the short story "Eveline" by James Joyce, is where the stress and fear of making the right decision comes in. Eveline has to choose between her family and the man who loves her. Even if the decision is not what she truly wanted, Eveline made her decision and chooses her family over her own desires. Sacrificing desires for an altruistic decision like Eveline made are sometimes for the best. Sacrificial decisions are tough but we should make them for the ones we love.
             In James Joyce's "Eveline", Eveline is faced with a tough decision. Eveline's mother and older brother passed away when she was just a child. She made a promise to her mom that she would never leave the family, and she would always care for them. Eveline has it rough at home with a father who is an abusive drunk and two siblings younger that she is basically the mother of now. Eveline although met a man named Frank and has plans of leaving Dublin with him. Eveline sees this as an opportunity to get out of her domestic problems doing all the motherly duties, and working long hours to providing help to the family. Eveline's situation implies that this decision would be easy to make, but past promises make it hard. Eveline cannot stop loving, and caring for her family no matter how hard her home life is although. She made the decision to stay with her family, and not to leave Dublin with Frank. Eveline did not want her younger siblings to face not having a mother again, or to be stuck with a dad who is not the best dad. Eveline sacrificed her relationship with Frank and what she desired in life for the sake of her family, and to keep the promise to her mother. .
             Family plays a key role in the decisions we make every day. Making selfless decisions for family is not always easy to do.

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