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Foolish consistency- great minds are msiunderstood


            Although Socrates, Jesus, and Galileo later became great minds and spirits to millions of people, back when they lived they were widely misunderstood. In each of their experiences they were convicted by the principle thoughts of those in the majority of society. .
             Socrates was an Athenian philosopher and a teacher. He lived during the Greek period, and due to the ways of Greek society, he was wrongfully understood. Socrates had completely different views of the world than anyone ever had mentioned. He went about city streets, urging people to question in order to seek knowledge and learn more about the world and life. Unfortunately there was one major obstacle; freedom of speech was limited in Greek society. Since this concept was never exposed, it frightened people, and people misunderstood him. His Athenian contemporaries accused him of corrupting the minds of the youth and worshipping other gods. While Socrates only wanted to improve the intellectuality of people by using the idea of questioning, Greek leaders saw him as a threat to their stable society and Greek ways. .
             Alike, was Jesus" approach to the roman life. Jesus believed in the goodness of people and their salvation from evil. When large groups of people began to follow him, the Romans started worrying. Jesus was misunderstood, because in reality he only urged people to reflect and act with the kindness, they truly possessed, but the Romans did not want to admit they were on the "wrong" path. To the Roman Empire he was a threat to traditional law and society, leading the Romans to condemn Jesus under the law as a hazardous messianic pretender.
             Galileo too, was misunderstood. He was an astronomer, mathematician, and physicist. He lived until 1642. Up until his time humans believed that the earth was the center of the universe, which was specified by the Catholic Church. Galileo developed a telescope to prove his theory, that the earth circled around the sun, more know as the Copernican theory.

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