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Dorm life vs. real life


             Pepsi, there was the debate of on campus living vs. Ever since there have been colleges, students have had to decide whether "to dorm or not to dorm." It is a question that almost all college students will ask themselves eventually. There is a clear-cut winner; but both options have their pros and cons. When comparing the two, there are four major issues at hand: academic success, overall living, social aspect, and food.
             Sociable students like to live in dorms because there is never a dull moment. Living in a dorm is a great opportunity to meet all kinds of new people and develop relationships with them. Rooming with another student is a unique experience where you get to learn a lot about them and a lot about yourself. During your freshman year, a student will generally room with someone they don't know at all. Some roommates will automatically click together and become best friends, while with others it may take some time to get used to each other. When you live off campus, you are more independent, with more privacy and a lot more quiet time. And you can finally do things on your own .
             pace and at your own schedule. Except you will no longer have hundreds of friends literally next door, so it is easier to get lonely and fall out of the social loop. .
             Food is another major issue that concerns many college students every day. By living on campus, you won't have to worry about cooking my own food because; you will have a meal plan. But unfortunately college food is notoriously sketchy and with the limited dining hours, I might not even always get food when I want. But also living in an apartment or house means eating what I want, but I have to make the effort to go out and buy the food. And of course we all know that college students make tons of money. Actually a study done by the university of Pittsburgh states that the average student living off campus pays about four hundred and fortiy one dollars a month in rent and other bills such as electricity, food, gas, water, etc.

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