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Sexual Harassment


            Sexual Harassment and rape are huge issue in this day of age. The problem that I see about this issue is that it seems not to have the same meaning as it did a few years back. In the Webster's Dictionary Sexual harassment is said to be: sexually annoy, persistently irritate. Apparently, people do not think that these instances occur anymore. In addition, women are accused of not being assertive enough, if anything happens to them it is their fault. Many factors have an enormous amount of impact on how people view this issue and how we are becoming more susceptible to the encounters of assault. Government, The Work Place, and Media play an important role in our society. Articles like "Rape: A Bigger Danger Than Feminists Know", by Caille Paglia, and "A Reasonable Standard", by Ellen Goodman state the concern of the danger that sexual harassment and rape have. The focus on this topic would be how civilization is being desensitized to the occurrence of sexual harassment in today's society.
             With out a government there would not be any organized structure, everything would be chaos. We cannot function with out rules and regulations. Never the less, these rules and regulations can be taken too far. As Thoreau stated in his essay, "government is best which governs not at all." Too many rules can leave no freedom, and with out freedom people feel constricted and start to rebel. This would just bring us back to the beginning of having no government at all. There should be rules and regulations against sexual harassment. Now I know that there are laws that discourage the act and when breaking the law, punishment will take place. However, I believe our government is to relax on sexual harassment and rape. People can get away with counts of harassment and rape and only serve a couple of years. Whereas if theft and.
             Burglary occurs; people can be put in the slammer for years. The balances of these two violations are absurd.

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