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Macbeth's Soliloquy in Act I Sc. vii


            Analyse Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 1 Scene 7 and comment on how it links with other scenes.
             Shakespeare's habitual style of writing contains numerous techniques used to create dramatic tension, such as iambic pentameter, repetition and references to particular themes used in the play or poem. Another dramatic technique, which is used a great deal within the famous Scottish play "Macbeth", is soliloquy. The most obvious by-product of Shakespeare's soliloquies is the development of the character delivering the soliloquy. In addition to this, the reader is able to explore deep into the character's thoughts and feelings, which can enable them to predict as to what is to happen next within the play.
             The first soliloquy of "Macbeth" is in Act 1, Scene 7; Macbeth hesitates to make an immediate decision, concerning the murder of Duncan, because of both pragmatic and moral causes. He is caught between these two issues, and we are shown in this scene that, as a result, Macbeth conducts a unique way of deciphering his problems. The first line of Act I, Scene 7 begins with, .
             "If it were done when "tis done, then "twere well/It were done quickly.".
             This quotation tells us that Macbeth feels that if the crime was committed when it needed to be, and if it were done quickly, then he would be safe. This argument is a moral concern toward Macbeth, and is the first thought that comes into his mind, because it is exhibited in the fist line of his soliloquy. Macbeth is tentative to murder Duncan, because he feels that he would be eternally punished in hell for committing such a heinous crime. Macbeth expresses these feelings in lines 7-10, .
             "But here upon this bank and shoal of time/We"d jump the life to come.".
             The "life to come", is the afterlife, which would be an eternity of pain and suffering for Macbeth, because of his "assassination" of Duncan. Thus, making this argument one of Macbeth's overpowering influences in his soliloquy.

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