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            Janism is a religion that started back in India around the fifth century B. Janism never approves of any wars or the killing of animals for any reason. Janism tries to raise human awareness and creates a high standard of ethics for its followers. The religion realizes that humans are imperfect but through strict discipline over ourselves, we can attain happiness and perfection. Mahavira was the main teacher or "the great hero".(1) He was the prince of a Kshatriya clan and renounced his wealth and possessions at the age of 30 as a spiritual speaker. He meditated without any clothes in the summer heat and the winter cold and while fasting most of the time for 12 years where it is said he achieved perfection. Many of the townsfolk there would terrorize him on a daily basis but they had no effect on Mahivira.(1) For the next 30 years he spread his teaching to his community and had about 500,000 followers when he died in 527 B.C.E. He did not believe in the caste system nor did any of his followers. He is thought to be the last of 24 Tirthankaras of the cosmic cycle. Janism believes that the universe has no beginning or end, but it passes through long cycles of prosperity and decline. When the downward cycle begins, humans are happy and prosperous and there is no need for religion. As the spirits decline, Tirthankaras must create religion so the people will not be tempted by all the evils in the world. .
             The first Tirhankara was Lord Rishabha.(2) He gave the people as set of social institutions like marriages, law, family and justice as well as agriculture, crafts, writing, reading, mathematics and built villages for the people. None of the teaching of Mahavira was ever recorded because his followers were to have no possessions of any sort. His teachings were passed down orally by his followers. After his death, the group split into 2 factions; the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.

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