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Similarities and Differences. Do they really matter when yo


            The play Romeo and Juliet shows that two individuals can be compared and contrasted. On many different occasions these two individuals show their similarities and differences in the characteristics that they posses. The play shows that two individuals who are so much in love can be different in so many ways yet still have similarities.
             Shakespeare shows the different maturity level between the two characters in the play Romeo and Juliet. On one hand Romeo is very immature and on the other Juliet is very mature for her age. Juliet shows her maturity level when Romeo is banished, she looks at the positive aspect of the situation and realizes that Romeo is alive. She shows this by saying "My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain;/ And Tybalt's dead, that would have slain my husband"(III. ii. 111-112). She further demonstrates maturity beyond her years by indicating that she, a bride of 3 hours, will forever be a maiden and die a widowed maiden. This is shown when she states "When I, thy three-hours wife- (III. ii. 105), and when she states a few lines later, "But I, a maid, die maiden-widowed" (III. ii. 142). Romeo, on the other hand, demonstrates immaturity in the scene where he is crying over his banishment, even though he is alive and well all he cares about is that he is banished and he cannot see Juliet. He is formed only on his personal gratification, this is shown when the nurse tells Romeo:.
             "Blubb"ring and weeping, weeping and blubbering.
             Stand up, stand up! Stand, and you be a man. .
             For Juliet's sake, for her sake, rise and stand! .
             Why should you fall into so deep an O"?.
             (III. iii. 95-98) .
             Another case that shows Juliet's maturity is when she is talking about a name and that a name means nothing, and that if Romeo's name was not Romeo or that he were not a Montague or she a Capulet all would be well with the world. Juliet expresses a viewpoint that even if a rose was called something different it would still smell good.

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