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             He told, that to these waters he had come.
             To gather Leeches, being old and poor:.
             And he had many hardships to endure;.
             From pond to pond he roamed, form moor to moor;.
             Housing, with God's good help, by choice or chance;.
             And in this way he gained and honest maintenance.
             The Leech Gatherer, Wordsworth.
             First Point: .
             2. William Wordsworth, one of the most famous poets from the Romantic Era, performed as a radical activist, prestigious poet, and loving father. Wordsworth's ideas of the common man and his relativity to nature aspired a new movement of poetry in the late 1700's, early 1800s, beginning the Romantic Period. .
             3. One of his most famous works, The Preface of Lyrical Ballads, introduces a then modern idea of "Ars Poetica" by collaborating nature, the working class, and human endeavors to aristocratic writings. .
             4. However, many critics and admirers of Wordsworth attempt to understand the fortitude provoking Wordsworth to initiate the much-needed movement. While attempting to completely understand Wordsworth's passion for the "common man" and his language, readers are forced to examine the poet's life and the period in which he wrote, while inventing the new form of "peasant poetry." .
             5. First, to completely understand the impact Wordsworth's philosophy possesses, readers must first understand the transition from the Victorian to the Romantic era during the haze of a controversial liberating war - the French Revolution. During this period, Wordsworth experienced feelings of betrayal, poverty, and self-identity. .
             6. He began to believe that reform was a gradual act and sided with Godwin, a new "against the grain intellectualism" (Leguois). Wordsworth developed new ideas concerning the war. He learned "evils he fought against were not so much the results of social forms as of something inherent in man's nature" (Leguois). .
             7. New politics began to emerge, new standards of living began to form and it was only fair and sensible to include the people constructing the task in the history of the period.

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