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             Gang violence is a problem in society today. More and more children are joining gangs every .
             Are gangs western societies way of introducing boys into emerging adults (manhood)? It.
             has become evident that gangs made up of young people are causing numerous problems.
             throughout communities. Gang violence and gang activities impact all of those around the gang.
             members. The kids in these gangs are hurting themselves, each other, their families, and the.
             communities they belong to. Gangs effect the children in many different ways including.
             physcially, emotionally and cognitively. Before we can understand how gangs effect the people.
             and communities around them we must first define what gangs actually are. We must try and.
             understand how the gang members think, how they react to certain situations, and what makes.
             them do what they do.
             Why do youths join gangs in the frist place? There are many different reasons for this but.
             some of the main attributes are: Family substition, friendship, economic benefit, power status,.
             security, love, thrill and excitement. This is normally due to the fact that the child feels.
             unwanted and is need of attention. It is also a way that adolescense develop into puberty. They.
             need to prove themselves through displays of courage, strength and endurance. As well, from a.
             communal manhood stand point, they need to demonstrate their ability to provide and protect. .
             Gangs aren't confined to large cities anymore. More and more often, police are finding.
             evidence of gang activity in smaller cities and towns. Wherever gangs go, they will need to.
             recruit additional members. It is mainly the young recruits that carry out the majority of the.
             crimes for the gangs, including prostitution, robbery and the selling of drugs. .
             According to national statistics, male juveniles under the age of 18 committed 27% of violent.
             crimes in the United States. More specifically, they committed 14% of sexual assaults, 30% of.

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