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            " Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein. Thrombophlebitis occurs when a blood clot and inflammation develop in one or more of your veins, typically in your legs. On rare occasions, thrombophlebitis can affect veins in your arms. The affected vein may be near the surface of your skin (superficial thrombophlebitis) or deep within a muscle (deep vein thrombosis).
             The cause of Thrombophlebitis is often prolonged inactivity, such as sitting during a long period of travel in an airplane or car or lengthy bed rest after surgery. The inactivity decreases blood flow through your veins and may cause a clot to form. Paralysis, certain types of cancer and use of the hormone estrogen also may lead to thrombophlebitis. An inherited tendency for blood clots places you at higher risk of thrombophlebitis.
             Some signs and symptoms of superficial phlebitis usually include a red, visible vein in your leg. Usually the vein feels hard to the touch, warm and tender. A throbbing sensation will sometimes occur and the skin tissue surrounding the vein may become swollen and itchy. Also there might be a burning sensation beneath the skin's surface. There is also pain and heaviness when lowering the leg. Some sufferers report leg cramps or a pulling sensation.
             Signs and symptoms of deep vein phlebitis include an absence of symptoms. Pain and swelling in the whole leg. Slight fever, skin ulcers and a swelling in the leg that stays indented when pressed. Because Deep Phlebitis is rare most people don't recognize it. Usually someone affected ends up in the hospital before treatment begins.
             Thrombophlebitis is caused by a blood clot. Blood clots can result from many different things " namely anything that causes your blood not to circulate properly. Your risk of thrombophlebitis increases if you are inactive for a long period of time, have had a stroke resulting in paralysis of your arms or legs, are pregnant or have just given birth, or have a family history of a tendency of blood clots.

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