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            Over the past decade, the number of violent crimes committed by gangs in the United States and Canada has increased, especially in areas with large populations. They were once known as quiet, hardworking citizens of the United States, but time have change and so has the community of once known as the working people. Gangs are the reality that people have to deal with in today's cities. It exited everywhere; even in the ancient time. .
             Gangs dated back to the Chinese dynasty are where and how most gangs get started. Asian gangs got started in the 17th century by triads, which are secret criminal societies, to over throw the Chinese Dynasty in China. The triads spread through out the Pacific Islands to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Burma, and Taiwan. Hong Kong triads have turned up in Great Britain and Australia long before the British will gain control of Hong Kong in China. When the U.S. government changes the immigration law, it brought over an influx of Hong Kong and Taiwanese citizens who formed gangs in the U.S. In the beginning of 1979, gangs began to emerge within the Vietnamese communities. In the early 1980s, there was the opening to the mainland in China to immigrant to the U.S. Ever since then there has been an estimated 100,000 illegal immigrants in the United States, most of them from the China province of Fijian. Asian gangs begin to emerge in the late 1970s and early 1980s, as the Asian populations increase in the U.S. The gangs are spread across the United States from California to Maine. Most gangs are usually in California, .
             There are many types of ethnic groups of gang: Some consist of African- Americans, Latinos, Skinheads, Caucasians, and Asians. Some are mixed. A lot of the gangs I've heard about and are friends with mainly consist of Asian.
             The age of gangs varies from the time they were born to till the day they get started. Gangs will recruit new members at a younger age.

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