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Life Aspirations


             My dreams for the future and plans to make my dreams a reality, whether they are to become a business owner, managing a large corporation and have a wealthy life, or to be a manager of a mid-size company making a comfortable living. I often dream about my future. My dreams tend to have a lasting effect on people, motivating them to pursue their own goals.
             In this information age, the more one "knows" the better will be his response to his world. What better way to know oneself than through ones dreams and aspirations. I dream of becoming a wealthy entrepreneur and would like to establish a foundation in honor of my family to give minorities an opportunity to gain work experience, self-determination and the subtle meaning of being a professional without going through the hassle the way I did when I graduated from high school. .
             My college experience began in Chicago, Illinois. I was off to a good start, but family problems caused me to postpone my educational experience. About two years later, I became a single mother of one son. A few years later, I adopted a less fortunate child of a relative as a single parent. I recently married and became a devoted wife and mother where I took on the responsibility of two other children. I am involved in my community where I volunteer to help the elderly.
             While working in various industries, such as Correctional, Dry-Cleaning, Retail, and doing an Apprenticeship to get my Funeral Director's License with Pine Bluff Mortuary since 2002, I realized that the root cause of many business management problems is financially based. I believe that many people in business are so insensitive that they will cheat customers to increase their profits. Most businesses do not prioritize business investments. As a result, insufficient funds are allocated to insure smooth business operations. I am also a Certified Notary Public. .
             Despite my experience, I still lack some important knowledge and management skills, especially in finance, marketing, entrepreneurship and management.

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