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             Many people go through life struggling with the thought that there is no standard for.
             The thought that perhaps there is no standard plagues us all. Do those who are.
             better looking more likely to get better treatment or is it just an illusion?.
             No matter what happens around us it would appear justice is not blind. In John Updike's short story A&P it is not only apparent that it happens everywhere we turn. When we see these injustices, these "standard" rules that do not apply to everyone. In the Story three girls enter a grocery store wearing bikinis that were far too revealing to be worn in public places. The story describes their outfits in detail, and then exhibits an exchange between a clerk and the girls about their attire. After the exchange another clerk heard the exchange and took offense. The clerk then turned around and quit. Mr. Lengel, the store manager, asked if he wanted to do this to his parents, he replied no, but stuck to his ground and quit anyway. As he left, he tried to find the girls to whom he should be a hero, but they were nowhere to be found. Here their hero stood with no congratulations. .
             This story brings up many points. Is public decency everyone's problem or is it a problem for only those wearing the outfit and their friends. Is the defense of people who place themselves in a situation where they can be deemed inappropriate? Do those who make a stand for someone they don't even know understand that they may be accepting a problem or consequences that they don't even understand? Sammy was one of these people he was unable to see that there was a result to what he was doing.
             "Immature boy just opened the door to the reality. Quitting he walks out of the store and there is the real world waiting for him; ideas of ideal world will turn out not that ideal" .
             When the young man quit he stepped out of the cushy world he had known and into an uncertain real world. As he walked through the "electric eye" he noticed that there was no one out side waiting for him with banners, there were no thank yous there was nothing but others struggling throughout the real world.

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