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Bilbo and Willow


             Bilbo Baggins has many ups and downs but in the end things turn out good for him. Willow is also faced with many things that he has never dealt with before but over comes them. Although the two journeys differ in many ways both Bilbo and Willow meet a lot of the same obstacles. .
             In the beginning of both stories the characters, Bilbo and Willow, are both presented with a chance to go on a journey. Neither one of them is to thrilled about the idea of leaving home and the possibility that something bad could happen to them. After some persuasion by a wizard in both cases, Bilbo and Willow are willing to go on the adventure. .
             Bilbo goes on the adventure because there is a chance that he is going to come back a richer man. Willow on the other hand goes because of the baby, which might kill his village. Both Bilbo and Willow are given help by magical powers or things. Bilbo has the assistance of Gandalf the wizard. Willow is given magical acorns from the village soccer; he also is given a wand from a fairy and has the help of Fin Rizzel. .
             Both Bilbo and Willow are very small people. Bilbo being a hobbit in a company of dwarves might makes it hard for him to keep up and might make him feel insignificant because of his size. Willow is helped by Mad Mardigan, who is always calling him a "peck"; this might make Willow feel inferior to him. The size of both Bilbo and Willow is an obstacle that they both need to over come.
             Clearly anyone could see that although these two small people have very different journeys for very different reasons, being small makes more obstacles for each of them. Also being small makes a lot of the same obstacles in new places that are unknown to them.

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