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Teen driving


            Once a person has turned sixteen, and has taken and passed their permit test, has gotten all of their "behind the wheel" experience, and has had their permit for at least a six month period of time, may get their license. Then there is a twist. You can't legally drive with anyone that's not a sibling, or under the age of twenty-five for six months. That's how the law is written. The question is why, why is it that after you pass all your tests and have your license there are more rules to have to follow for six more long months? As well as having a curfew,.
             True, a person that has only just received their license is not exactly what you would call an "experienced" driver. Its been heard that the reason for this is because, a new driver can easily be distracted by having peers in the car. The only time this six-month rule does not apply is if you are over eighteen and just got your license.
             The distraction rule, by most teens is considered a total joke; anyone can be distracted by anything, its not just when you're a new driver you face distractions. People who have their license for years and years get into accidents, and many times their excuse is they were "distracted". So is the law also stating that persons over twenty-five years of age, or a sibling will not distract you? Imagine your sixteen, you're in the car with your six-year-old brother, and he spills his juice all over your seats, would that distract you? Yes. Ok, another scenario, your thirty years old, your six year old son spills his water all over the seats, would you be distracted? Again, the answer is yes. Many things that can "distract" teen drivers, could just as well distract adults. As far as experience goes, anyone with experience could get into an accident, it's all about who's being a careless driver, and who's being a careful driver.
             This year, many accidents have been caused by teens, or have involved a teen driver.

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