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Sir Gaiwan


             Although common sense screamed not to go, honor, dignity, and pride dictated that he must. Sir Gawain proceeded on his journey to honor his pledge, a pledge of death!!! This is the tale of "Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight."" Gawain is a character written about in various stories and tales during the Medieval Times mostly written in the 13th and 14th century. The very few definite facts about Gawain's background are his relatives: King Arthur, his uncle, and Lot, King of Lothian or Orkney, his father. His mother and siblings are questionable. Potential mothers are said to be Anna, who was King Arthur's full sister, and Morgawse, who was King Arthur's half sister. They are also said to possibly be one and the same person. (www.timelessmyths.com) Anna was said to have two sons in the earlier legends, which were Gawain and Mordred. In the later legend she was said to have had four to five sons, which were Gawain, Argravain, Gaheris, Gareth, and sometimes Mordred. (www.timelessmyths.com). Gawain was said to have sisters as well. In "Le Conte du Graal,"" he had a sister named Clarissant. Then in "Didot Perceval,"" he had four sisters named Elaine, Surdamur, Curdrie, and Honje as well as one brother named Beacurs. These were all children of Lot but, yet again, their mother was unknown. Gawain's wives and siblings are also questionable. He had married in "Le Morte D'Arthur,"" and had two sons named Florence and Lovel; however, another son was mentioned and known as "Fair Unknown- because he did not know his own name. His name was Guinglain and was Gawain's most famous son. (www.timelessmyths.com) Although the many stories of Gawain's background are varied he, himself, was always portrayed as THE IDEAL NIGHT.
             Sir Gawain was humanly imperfect known as a "Womanizer-or a "Ladies-Man."" Other knights were measured up to him and many women wanted to be with him! (Britannica 154) In the Medieval French and German accounts, Gawain was identified both as the finest model of chivalry and a prime example of hypocrisy.

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