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             In society, there are many different issues that raise controversy.
             powerful the United States gets the more social issues arise. Social problems are nothing.
             new to the US, but within the last couple of years there has been an uprise of issues. .
             With a rash outbreak of social issues, we (the US) have failed to find a solution for these.
             issues, which has left some sort of discomfort in the lives of the American people. The.
             three most serious problems facing the United States today, in my opinion, is a lack of.
             political interest, poverty and gun control.
             Politics, politicians, and political parties are a very important part on how this country is.
             run. We the people of America also play a big part in the way the country is run. We.
             have the power to chose a political party of our preference and go out and vote to try and.
             elect the best candidate for office. The problem arise when our American citizens fail to.
             realize the power they hold when it comes to chosing someone to run our country. It is.
             my discovery, that alot of our citizens have the mind set that whether they vote or not it.
             won't change the way the country is run. It seems that they are convinced that no matter.
             what, there voice will not be heard. It is also my discovery that the lack of political.
             interest in American culture is a rising social issue that needs to be tackled and dealt with.
             immediately. The solution to this problem lies in different places, but heres two of the.
             solutions that I think will help the outcome. (1) It is the political candidates responsibility.
             to uphold the promises that they make while they are campaigning, so that they can gain.
             the trust of the American people. Execution of this solution could bring prompt changes.
             in the voting numbers. (2) It is the responsibility of the American people to be concerned.
             with the political standpoint of the United States. American people hold the power to.
             voice what they want to see happen in politics and who they want to hold the politcal.

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