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Legalization of Marijuana


            I think that Marijuana should be legalized for a number of reasons. The first reason is that a lot of people smoke it right now. 141 million people in the world smoke it which is 2.5% of the world's population. If it is legalized then the price of marijuana would decrease. Right now in order to buy weed you need to buy it from someone who deals it. If it is legalized, then you will be able to buy it from a pharmacy close to you and the cost will decrease. There is a lot of violence around marijuana because if people really want the weed they will kill people to get the drug. By legalizing weed, we can decrease the violence around the drug. Also, gangs are in control of the drug so because of that there is a lot of violence around the drug. If the drug is legalized then the government can control the drug and there will not be that many gangs in control of marijuana. The government can also make a lot of profit from marijuana. Marijuana is expensive. It costs like $5 for one joint and people usually buy a lot usually in ounces. So if the government legalizes it they can make like 50% of that profit and use it to their advantage. .
             Now, people take large doses of the drug. If it is legalized then we can control the dosages that are taken by these people. Marijuana is not that dangerous of a drug, people just exaggerate to make it seem like it is such a bad drug. The DEA's Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young concluded: "In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care". From that quote we can make the conclusion that marijuana is not that bad of a drug.

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