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Jesus" teachings in "Sermon on the Mount" compared to Confuc


             Confucius is one of the most prominent philosophers of ancient China. He lived in 551-479BC, yet countless people still live by his teachings today. Many of his beliefs are compiled into a series of writing called the Analects. Jesus is perhaps the most well known of all religious leaders today. Born in 0 A.D, his teachings are assembled into the New Testament of the Bible. Both religious/philosophical leaders had very strong views on society and how it should be, and both strived to explain their viewpoints to all, in attempt to benefit it.
             In a section of the New Testament referred to as "Sermon on the Mount", many examples of Jesus" teachings can be investigated. By looking at this piece of text, several recurring themes in Jesus" teachings can be selected, some being: love, equality, forgiveness, modesty, humility or abstention, and non-materialism. For example, as Jesus sat his disciples down to preach to them, he said: "Humble men are very fortunate! For the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them" and "Don't do your good deeds publicly, to be admired, for then you will lose the reward". Looking at these quotes, one can conclude that Jesus supported a humble lifestyle, valuing humility and modesty as traits that an ideal man would possess. Also when he said "There is a saying, "Love your friends and hate your enemies" But I say: Love you enemies!" and "Do for others what you want them to do for you", it is apparent that he considered love, equality and peace as qualities that would merit a society. Jesus did, however, have a very strong view on the possession of material goods: "Don't store up treasures here on earth where they can erode away or may be stolen. Store them in heaven where they will never lose their value, and are safe from thieves". This quote ties in with the humble and modest lifestyle that Jesus preaches about. But it is also made evident that one must live an abstentious lifestyle, and give up material goods; namely all worldly pleasures, in order to satisfy his viewpoint: "The laws of Moses said, "You shall not commit adultery".

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