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The Drawbridge


             "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we are here today to determine whether or not the Baroness deserves not only our respect and pity, but the honor of a royal burial. Today, however, I implore you to carefully review the actions of this dishonest, disloyal, and deceitful woman and realize that this Baroness is far from deserving a proper burial.
             Early one morning, our Baron graciously and charitably decided to visit those of us that live in the outskirts of the districts; checking to see that we are still secure, safe, and content within the bountiful lands he has so generously given to you. Now, being such a considerate young man, the Baron resolved to protect his castle and the people that thrive indoors. He called to his loyal gateman and told him to slay anyone that dared to cross the drawbridge, for the trespasser would most likely annihilate all that liven within. At this time the Baron warned everyone, including his dearly beloved wife, of the punishment that beheld trespassers and clearly told them to not leave at any time until his return. He then left, sure that all would be well, and planned to return at sunset.
             Despite all his love and care, the Baroness decided to disobey the one and only request from her husband. Apparently she left the castle and met with her secret lover for a long-awaited rendezvous. Ladies and gentlemen, is this the woman that you want to represent your country? Is this whom you would choose to trust? To respect? She deliberately disobeyed her husband, her husband who was not aware of this heart-breaking situation. Nevertheless, the Baroness returned to her home only to find the loyal gateman brandishing his sword, keeping his promise to the untainted Baron. Sadly, seeing the true behavior of the lady he had long since served, he warned her once more to not cross the drawbridge, or he would have to end her life. She immediately fled, back to the castle of her lover and demanded him to help her.

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