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Swan lake


            For this report, I watched Mathew Bourne's production of Swan Lake. I found this ballet to be interesting, although, not as interesting as the Nutcracker, which we viewed in class, and I previously attended. The way director, Matthew Bourne, interprets the ballet, is very interesting. Instead of a conflict with female swans, Bourne casts all males to star in his production. Thus making this a one of a kind performance, and breaking all traditional performances. .
             Bourne's interpretation of this classic ballet, is, some would say, different. Instead of casting female dancers for his "female" swans, he casts males, which even more pronounces the fact of the lost soul of the prince, who is searching throughout the performance for who he really is. The humor of the ballet is due mostly to the characters that play each of these parts. A prince who goes throughout the story unloved, a mother, who's touch could turn anyone and anything to stone, a girlfriend who just doesn't even come close to fitting the needs of her man, and of course, the flock of all male swans. I thought right away that this was rather odd, and I wasn't sure what I was going to think of it, but by the time it was over, I didn't even realize I watched the entire thing. I was so deep into the plot that I lost all track of time. It was serious, yet extremely humorous. Although I've never seen the original version of Swan Lake, I can imagine it isn't nearly as easy to understand as Bourne's version was. One of the things that I didn't really expect in the movie, was the character of the swan, played by a very muscular and "manly" male, instead of what you would think a male dancer who portrays a swan might look like. .
             Although his style was very unorthodox, from what we have learned so far in class, this has to be taken as a work of art. Bourne's intentions were to choreograph a ballet, in order to entertain the public.

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