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Custers last stand


             It all started when all the Indian tribes gathered along the rosebud river for the sun dance were they danced for 17 hours when Chief Sitting Bull was staring at the sun set when he had a vision all about the battle by the side of the Little Big Horn River his he said that he had seen a victory which meant he thought he was going to win the battle.
             Custer and the US cavalry set of up the rosebud river on the 24th June 1876. The journey took a long time because they had to travel 46 kilometres. Custer hated his men. Later that evening he heard that the Sioux was approaching the Little Big Horn River. The Gibbons were some were else and Custer thought he would attack with the help of them. Custer was very proud of him self and he thought he could win the battle with only a few men. He said he would not wait for the Sioux he would attack at once. He thought he could win because the Indians did not have good weapons but he was wrong. When Custer realised that the Indians had more and better weapons then his army and him self Custer got afraid he went in to battle straight away because he thought that the Indians would flee or surrender. But the Indians were as ready as could be and they had 1500 men and Custer had only 5 companies which add up to 500 or600 men. Custer was wrong about every thing because he misunderstood the Indians he made mistakes in his plan and also he was over confident about the whole thing. .
             Custer's plan was that General Sheridan ordered the army to move in on the Indians on the rosebud river, here came the first disaster he bumped into Chief Crazy Horse with his army of 1000 men. The General was forced to with draw. The Indians moved up river with 10,000 squarws, children and braves. Then struck war.
             The battle did not turn out very well for Custer because he got the wrong end of the stick about the Indians. The Indians had better weapons then him they had a much larger army then him and the Indians had acutely made a plan unlike Custer.

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