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Perception of Driveing Men & Women


             I believe that driving patterns differ in both men and women because their thought patterns are contradictory.
             My sister recently bought a nineteen eighty-four Camaro, and was added to my parent's insurance, after having her first wreck. Her insurance is somehow significantly lower than my own when I began driving. She and I got into an argument about male and female driving differences, and this is what I found: It's a proven scientific fact that men and women perceive, as well as process things differently because their brains work in opposite directions. Statistically men are more right brained and women are more left brained. .
             The left side of the brain is the side that is more verbal, detail-oriented, and sorting. On the other hand, the right side is the spatial intuitive nonverbal side. Now that I've thoroughly confused you, and you're asking what in the world is my point, I'll explain. Stereotypically, your average heterosexual female is more left brained which as I said before makes her more verbal, and detail-oriented. So, stereotypically would your average female be a better driver?.
             Keep in mind I said your average heterosexual male is more intuitive, less likely to talk about it and more likely to take action. The right side of your brain is naturally run on intuition. So, stereotypically would your average male be a better driver?.
             Intuition is defined (Oxford, 1980, s.v. "Intuition") as "the power of knowing or understanding something immediately without reason or being taught." So our average male when driving runs on pure instinct. He doesn't stop to think he acts quickly with what comes naturally to his mind. However, our average female is more thought provoked, more likely to stop and consider the consequences of a situation. When she drives she consciously contemplates every available situation.
             So, who is the better driver? You"re average stereotypical heterosexual male, or female? Actually, in my opinion they"re equal.

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