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             I was not raised under government conspiracies nor have I ever felt the urge to rally against my government with any more effort than my vote can provide. I have recently completed four years of service with the U.S. Marine Corps and have seen many sides to this government as well as a few others. I also consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person with a decent amount of logic. This article does. Although, stimulate an otherwise silent and relatively untouched subject for me.
             I don't believe I have ever heard or read, before now, this much information, conjured or not, on the origin and destination of the AIDS virus. Having said that, I would like to get to know this William Campbell Douglass, M.D. just a little more in order to find out just where he comes from and what his intentions are with his life's work. Although I don't have any evidence to go with or against his findings, I"m not thoroughly convinced that the AIDS virus was indeed grown on human tissue in a lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland by communist in order to silently overthrow every disagreeable nation in its path. This theory, although, would help explain why there are communist nations still remaining in the world today besides the various political standpoints left unchallenged in this article.
             The article is persuasive in a sense that it is provocative and does have the ability to create mischief in the mind of its reader regardless of what one may have or have not previously thought about the subject. I also believe with as much formal titles and dates that were mentioned in this article, someone might easily be lead to believe that in fact this must be true, after all just look at all these doctors, institutes, dates and numbers. How could anyone not be completely awed by such a direct discontent towards the communist party?.
             Having read the article and having no prior opinion on the matter, I must admit that although entertaining, the article did not thoroughly persuade me to believe that the World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute or the communists created the AIDS virus in the U.