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            In "Redemption," Herbert portrays God as a landlord, and himself as a dissatisfied tenant. And despite Herbert's complaints, God remains in charge, and does not abandon Herbert because of Herbert's sense that his relationship with God at that time is not fruitful. "Redemption" expresses awe at the works of God. Herbert usually writes with the assurance of one whose heart and mind are fixed, whose crisis of faith is past. In the beginning of the sonnet, Herbert sets up the image of wealth in the first line, as he there is there is a direct comparison made between a "tenant" and his "rich lord." Initially, we are introduced to this relationship as that of business and power. However, as the poem evolves, although there is a strong reference to money and power, "suit, heaven, manor," insinuate the kingdom of God. Merely, Herbert refers to "suit" as being a formal request made to God, as he realizes that his relationship with God is not strong. Merely, he is bored, and seeking more from God, yet he does so through material and cultivated place. He uses words such as "land, resorts, cities, theatres, gardens, parks, and courts" to convey his need for concrete answers. These words are very powerful because they are representative of the material world, where immediate, yet temporary pleasure is experienced. .
             'Redemption' describes very vividly the cost and process of redemption. Twelve of the fourteen lines involve the narrator's tedious search of heaven and earth for his lord to grant him a favour; the meaning of the poem is not revealed until the first hint in line 12, and the lord's location in line 13 comes as a surprise; but the cost of the narrator's suit and the nature of Redemption is withheld until the very end of the last line, where it is given in an almost throwaway comment. Herbert emphasizes the effort wasted in searching for God in 'heavenly' places; and the news that the Lord is not only in the company of villains but is also their victim comes as a surprise.

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