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             Respect and responsibility plays a role in everyone's life.
             as a little kid we all had respect and responsibility in your life.
             Respect can vary from having respect for the family pet to having respect.
             for the people who raised us when we were growing up.
             Respect in today's life is referred to having trust and faith in a.
             person. Some people say respect is loving someone. Others honor people.
             like athletes (Housman, 850). The way everyone should show respect is by.
             being polite to everyone.
             Responsibility is telling someone that they can depend on you and.
             following through with what you said. The jobs most people have takes.
             dedication to do it day in and day out (Madden, 189). If you keep your.
             word people will never doubt you (10 Points,mag). Always be trustworthy to.
             people you care for.
             As you can see there is respect and responsibility everywhere you.
             look. Respect and responsibility is a very important part of everyday life,.
             we use them in school and in work.
             A good example of respect is a poet named Alan Burns. He has won.
             many Art Council awards for his writings (Madden,192). Alan Burns has a.
             lot of respect for his writing foundation. In most all of Burns writings.
             he tries to use people's lives (Madden, 194). Burns has dedicated his life.
             to his writings that is why he is a good example of respect for something.
             A poem in a Literature book named "To an Athlete Dying Young" the.
             people of the town show respect by caring the athlete down the main street.
             in there town. People loved the athlete so much they had to shut there.
             eyes as he passed by before he died(Housman,850). The athlete never.
             thought he was to good for the people of the town that is why they had so.
             much respect for him.
             A article in Ebony Man March, 1995 issue tells us about "10 Points.
             Men Should Tell Youths About Growing Up and Being Responsible Adults". A.
             large amount of young adults do not have a father figure to tell them about.
             responsibility, and have to rely on themselves to grow up, and learn to.

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