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            Rogers collection of painful childhood stories, will take you into the heart of a child, abandoned.
             by his parents, and abused by his child care system. When Kiser writes his stories, they compare.
             to each other through feelings, child hood experiences, and he always seems to cut the endings.
             Kiser's writings are usually set at the orphanage in which he grew up. The mood is.
             usually solemn, and in his story, " Butterflies," he refers to this place as, " a bad place to live and.
             an even worse place to die" In each story, he is the main character, so you get a more clearer.
             more realistic view of what's going on, and Kiser's feelings towards the subject. His feelings in.
             each piece of work stays the same, in-depth descriptions of his surroundings, and the same.
             solemn moods of either disappointment or happiness, there's no in between.
             The Four stories Roger wrote are all based on his childhood experiences , good or bad. ".
             Elvis died at the Florida Barber College" is more about how cruel the child care workers in the.
             orphanage really were. Kiser writes about an Elvis haircut, wanted to make the young girls fall.
             head over heels in love with him, How Elvis was his idol and how he wanted to be just like him.
             Kiser's dream was soon crushed when the childcare worker ordered his head to be completely.
             shaved, excluding his idea for a thick wavy Elvis haircut. In " Butterflies" he gets beat in the.
             head with a piece of cardboard for setting a butterfly free off of a display board. In " The Whale.
             Sound" and "The Bully" the stories change just a little bit. There is still a sense of abuse, but it is.
             more about helping the disabled. " The Whale Sound" focuses on a bully who used to beat up a.
             deaf mute and "The Bully" focuses on a bully who picked on Kiser when he was a younger but.
             ends up in a wheelchair. " I guess your thinking what goes around comes around" Is a remark the.
             " Bully" had mad. Kiser just simply replies, " I would never think like That" which shows he.

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