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Roe v. Wade


             Supreme Court announced its decision in Roe v. The case was a challenge to a Texas statute that made it a crime to perform an abortion unless a woman's life was at stake. The case was made by Jane Roe who wanted to end her pregnancy. The court sided with Roe and ruled that constitutional privacy "is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy" (Roe v. Wade, 1973). This ruling affected many court cases proceding it and also affects aspects of daily life.
             Nearly 20 succeeding Supreme Court Cases involve similar issues as presented in Roe v. Wade. One such case is Coleman v. Warden. In this case, Coleman had kicked Olivia Williams in the stomach (who was pregnant at the time). She later suffered a misscarriage which lead to Coleman's conviction of manslaughter by the : " unlawfully terminat[ing] Olivia Williams" pregnancy- (Coleman v. Warden, 2002). Coleman argued in accordance of Roe v. Wade saying that " the state may not prohibit the termination of a pregnancy before the viability of the fetus because of the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment in Roe v. Wade- (Coleman v. Warden, 2002). This meant that Coleman can not be accused of manslaughter because of the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v.Wade that the fetus is not a "Fourteenth Amendment" person until contraception. The court ruled against Coleman's petition for writ of habeas corpus because he " deprived Williams of her child, or at least the ability to excersise her rights over pregnancy."(Coleman v. Wardern, 2002). This case was directly affected by the decison in Roe v. Wade.
             In 1988 and 1989 Governor Robert Casey of Pennslyvania enacted new abortion statutes that required that a woman seeking an abortion give her informed consent, a minor seeking an abortion obtain parental, that a married woman must notify her husband of her intended abortion and that clinics must provide certain information to a woman seeking an abortion and wait 24 hours prior to performing the abortion.

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