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young versus yold


             Young versus Old.
             In this world we have two groups of people that just don't seem to get along. One group is .
             the younger people of the world, and the other is the senior citizens of the world. The older .
             people have complained the younger people are irresponsible, destructive, and rude. The younger .
             people have protested the construction of retirement homes, saying that the old people are boring,.
             old fashioned, and complain too much. I feel that bringing these two groups together and making .
             them see the things they share in common will be rather easy to accomplish. Much of the .
             prejudice that the two groups have against each other is based on rumors or something only one .
             member of that group has done. The older people see a couple of younger people riding their .
             skate boards on their street and they assume that all young people are going to take over their .
             streets with skate board riding. The younger crowd may see some senior citizens complaining of .
             service at a restaurant and assume that all older people are picky and rude. The prejudices are of .
             course wrong, the solution is to show the two groups the positive aspects of the other group.
             For the younger crowd I would set up a community service through the school to visit the .
             retirement homes and help the elderly with chores and other odd jobs.(this might torture both .
             parties) These could be set up through the Honor Society at the school, and the Student Board.
             These two groups could say that they would have to do some many hours to earn credits. This .
             could also be provided to the students who are being punished. Instead of staying after school for .
             2 hours detention they could just visit the retirement home or some other elderly related activity. .
             During these activities the young people would realize that not all elderly citizens are worthless, .
             picky, and rude, that some of them are actually fun to be around.

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