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            Everyone should read the story "The Storm- by Kate Chopin. The story describes simple human emotions that most people deal with everyday. Emotions, such as temptation, guilt, and happiness will always be perceived differently, depending on a person's morals or ideals. In the story, a man and woman betray their spouses, with disregard of any consequences that may result.
             Temptation may come in any size, shape, or form. In this particular story Chopin uses a storm. She mentions, "Clouds were rolling with sinister intentions-. In saying this, the author leads us to believe that something bad is about to happen. The character, Alca©e Laballiére, just happens to show up at Calixta, the female character's house right before the storm. The two characters, whom previously shared intimacy in the form a kiss, are reunited by the approaching storm. Although Alca©e and Calixta have not seen each other very often, she notices he is never alone giving us the idea that she thinks about him periodically. Instantly, Alca©e asks if he can get underneath her porch to get out of the storm, until it is over. Chopin tells us "He expressed an intention to stay outside, but it was soon apparent that he might as well have been out in the open-. Meaning, Alca©e was going to wait on the porch, but the intensity of the storm forces him to go inside. At that moment, Alca©e seems to have given into .
             temptation, by going in the house. He becomes more relaxed and willing shown by sitting in a chair without asking for any sort of permission. Once again, because of the intensity of storm forces her, Calixta, to stagger backwards into the awaiting arms of Alca©e. Although she resists at that moment, with a look of her face Alca©e reassures Calixta everything is going to be okay. Thus, she gives into temptation.
             Even before Calixta gives into to temptation, she seems very nervous about the whole situation. This gives us reason to believe that she is feeling guilty.

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